
Whistleblower protection

We hereby inform you that in accordance with Act No. 171/2023 Coll., on the protection of whistleblowers, an internal whistleblowing system has been established by Alfa Plastik, a.s., ID No.: 60793791, registered office Opavská 45, Bruntál 792 01. Persons performing work, charitable activities, professional practice or internship for our company can submit a notification of a possible violation that has occurred or is occurring at the company. The Company excludes that a person who does not perform work or other activities for the Company pursuant to Section 2(3)(a), (b), (h) or (i) of Act No. 171/2023 on the protection of whistleblowers is entitled to file a notification of a possible violation.

The notification may be made in the following ways 

>      in person, by phone or in writing to the relevant person

>       Jana Hromádková, Kristýna Zachová

>       Tel: 602 284 813, 728 158 193

>       Email: oznameni@alfaplastik.cz,

>       Delivery address: Alfa Plastik, a.s., Jana Hromádková, Opavská 45, Bruntál 792 01,

                  Alfa Plastik, a.s., Kristýna Zachová, Opavská 45, Bruntál 792 01

>      in writing at the company’s headquarters (the mailbox is located in the corridor next to the notice boards),

>       via e-mailové schránky oznameni@alfaplastik.cz,

>       via contact form below,

>      with the Department of Justice.

The Company is implementing an internal notification system with effect from 1 September 2023 by an internal directive, which is available here.